Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Akriti's birthday yesterday.She blew a candle which was accompanied by sliced cake.All gave her gift before she blew candle but it was only me who gifted her after blowing candle.we(especially me with loud voice) sang 'Happy Birthday to you' while she was blowing candle.

We enjoy such small celebrations so much at our home. We even make father to blow candle in his birthday.Although its a western culture of blowing candle and eating cakes in birthdays, we celebrate it becoz we don't want to miss such small happiness in our family.Celebrating such birthdays fill a kind of warmness within a family.

So what are u wating for?Go ahead to celebrate ur and ur family's birthday!!

1 comment:

  1. hi arati,
    tell akriti that i wish her a belated happy birthday.:)...ani arati, recently i came thru some updates related to flowers...thou they were very few, but still.., i had to put titles too..and poor me, knowing nothing about flowers, ended up updating them with titles something like this....red flower, pink flower, pink flower2, yellow flower....and so on...he he...i couldnt help thinking about u....
