Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Advantage of Use of Technologies

Tomorrow was Internal Assessment of 'Multimedia'. Reading material was nothing with me. I searched the book ' Multimedia Systems' by John F. Koegel Buford on last whole Sunday around Bhrikuti Mandap and Bhotahiti. That particular book is referred by our teacher Anish Shrestha. So I wanted that book at any cost.

In my inquiry I got the information that Ekta Book house is one of the leading Book house in Kathmandu. So I typed ' Ekta Book Nepal ' in google search bar and I got the whole information about it. I phoned quickly and they told me that there is that book in their store which released my tension for the assessment.

It is one of the advantage of development of technologies.

1 comment:

  1. now google is part of life like daal, bhaat, ochyaan etc....best of luck..
