Communication is the process of exchange of ideas and opinions. Human beings can’t live without communicating each other. Similarly the concept of mass communication evolved to exchange ideas among large number of audience.
The major elements of mass communication are sender, message, medium, receiver and feedback. All these elements are equally important. Hence media-which is a plural form of medium, is one of the important factor in the process of mass communication.
Traditional mass media such as newspaper, radio and television used to be the main media until the introduction of Internet. Internet has made quiet easy to reach the large number of audience. So there is evolution of social media along with the internet.
Social media is defined as that media which is widely used by the common people in the internet. Some examples of social media are facebook, blog, twitter etc. It represents media that users can easily participate, collaborate and contribute. It is dynamic and flexible.
Information is power. Social media can transfer information quickly with minimum expense or can be considered negligible expense. It can raise awareness among the audience worldwide not confining the local territory. It’s used by all level of people from president to an ordinary gate keeper. So the social media is very useful to say something to all level of people.
Government are ignoring the Indigenous Peoples right so in order create pressure to government, the social media can be very useful. It can also be used to aware the Indigenous People about their rights. Many Indigenous People are unaware about their rights. Social media can play to boost in raising awareness.
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