Friday, September 24, 2010

Social media

Communication is the process of exchange of ideas and opinions. Human beings can’t live without communicating each other. Similarly the concept of mass communication evolved to exchange ideas among large number of audience.

The major elements of mass communication are sender, message, medium, receiver and feedback. All these elements are equally important. Hence media-which is a plural form of medium, is one of the important factor in the process of mass communication.

Traditional mass media such as newspaper, radio and television used to be the main media until the introduction of Internet. Internet has made quiet easy to reach the large number of audience. So there is evolution of social media along with the internet.

Social media is defined as that media which is widely used by the common people in the internet. Some examples of social media are facebook, blog, twitter etc. It represents media that users can easily participate, collaborate and contribute. It is dynamic and flexible.

Information is power. Social media can transfer information quickly with minimum expense or can be considered negligible expense. It can raise awareness among the audience worldwide not confining the local territory. It’s used by all level of people from president to an ordinary gate keeper. So the social media is very useful to say something to all level of people.

Government are ignoring the Indigenous Peoples right so in order create pressure to government, the social media can be very useful. It can also be used to aware the Indigenous People about their rights. Many Indigenous People are unaware about their rights. Social media can play to boost in raising awareness.

Still the infrastructure in the context of Nepal is still challenging but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We can make use of it with this availability of fewer infrastructures in effective way and this can be possible with social media.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

मेरो बूट जुत्ता भित्रको सिद्धन्त

म कैयौ दिन देखि निरन्तर हिडिरहेछु। घुमाउरो डाँडाहरुमा । राइ गाँउको दक्षिणी अरुण खोलामा । मेरो वरपर लोहोरुङ गाँउ लडिरहेछ । उर्लेको खुला खोलाले उपत्यकाका भागहरु छुट्टाएको देखिरहेको छु । हिमालहरु भन्दा पुरानो , सानो सानो खोलाहरु यसमा मिसिएकोले आफ्नै सानो उपत्यका, गहिरो खोंच र अनगिन्ती भिरालो जमिन बनाएको छ । मानौ एउटा लामो धर्का तल नदी देखि खाँदबारी - माथिल्लो अरुणको मुख्य बजार सम्म जुन ४००० फिट सम्म बनाएको देखिन्छ ।

जति म हिड्दै जान्छु त्यती दृश्यहरु बदलिदै जान्छन् । मेरो पहिलो दृश्य छाप नटुङगिने खोलाले ,रातो माटो को टाटाहरु , खैरो चट्टान र ठुला ढुङ्गाहरुले छोडेको हुन्छ जसको बनावट प्रकाश ले बदलिदिन्छ । कहीले काही ति काला भएर निस्किन्छन अनी कलिलो हरियो हल्लिरहेको धानको छायाहरु- गाडा बैजनी हरियो जङल सँग ठोकिन्छन। तल्लो भिरालोको sub tropical बनस्पति - सितल हल्लिरहेको केराको रुख र छरितो बाँसहरुको रहस्य थाहा पाउन पातालिन्छन् । तिनीहरुको अग्लो हाँगा चट्टान र टुप्पोमा हिउँले ढाकिएको हिमाल बिरुद नुहेको हुन्छ । मानिसहरु जसलाई लोहोरुङ भनेर मैले भेट्नु भन्दा पहिला यही भु बनोट र प्रकिर्तिक विश्वले मेरो मानसपटलमा हिर्काउँछ जहाँ लोहोरुङहरु बसोबास गर्छन् ।

नोट : अनुवाद गर्ने कोशिश गर्दै छु । यो किताब ' Other Worlds' (Charlotte E. Hardman) को पहिलो अध्याया हो । फुर्सद मिलेसम्म क्रमश अनुवाद गर्दै जाने छु ।

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


खोइ के लेखुम हो । केही लेख्ननी फुरेको हैन। गूगल सर्च गर्दा पाइयो केही सामाग्री । बराक ओबामाको लभ स्टोरी ।

Michelle met her future husband in 1988, when he took a summer job at the Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin, where she specialized in intellectual property law. She was assigned to mentor Obama, who had just finished his first year at Harvard Law. As he recalled their first meeting in The Audacity of Hope, "I remember that she was tall-almost my height in heels-and lovely, with a friendly, professional manner that matched her tailored suit and blouse.'' He was smitten from the get-go, but she worried that it wasn't a good idea to date someone from the office. Even when she brought him home to meet the family, they at first assumed that "he was just another one who wasn't going to make it,'' her brother said. "It was hard to pass muster with my sister." Michelle asked Craig to check out Barack by playing basketball with him-she'd always heard their dad say that you could tell a lot about a man's character on the court. And? "No personality flaws with respect to the basketball evaluation,'' Craig said. So Michelle and Barack started dating.
Source: Reader's Digest

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

-A Thousand Splendid Suns ( Khaled Hosseini)

मरिअम, १५ बर्ष ।
मरिअमको श्रीमान, ३५ बर्ष ।
भात मिठो नपकाएको कारणले उसको श्रीमान ले ढुङ्गाको गोटी खुवाइ दिन्छ ।
-A Thousand Splendid Suns ( Khaled Hosseini)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jan 10

I was complaining last week that I couldn't do anything fruitful in my 3 days holiday. So we entered into a bookshop at Jamal. My choice was 'The Kite Runner' which I was longing to read since long time ago.

I had only little info about the book. What I know was it was one of the world famous books. The book is about the suffering caused by war especially to children.

My perception about reading novel is the lesson perceived depends upon the type of reader.

I found the first half very interesting but a little dramatic at the end. Overall the writer faired the title. In the story; Amir the boy is narrating the story about the 'Hassan’ who was a servant of him. Hassan is not only a loyal servant but a good friend whom he treats ‘good’ as well as ‘bad’ at times.

Amir is a rich boy who had most beautiful house in whole Afghanistan. Hassan being servant and friend is ready to serve Amir in anyway. Hassan helps to win the Kite competition to Amir and also promises to bring the defeated kite to him as he was a good Kite Runner.

It is a story on redemption that Amir pays to Hassan at the end.

The writer has clearly given the information on how Afghanistan suffered from the invasion of Russian troop to Taliban rule.

At the end, I was unsatisfied with previous complain. It was a fruitful holiday as I read one of the good novels since far.